8 Posts


.NET Injection of a dependency list

.NET Injection of a dependency list

Whilst doom scrolling Twitter last night, I came across a tweet by a Norweigan software …

Using Postman Securely

Using Postman Securely

I will skip over any jokes about using a postman and go straight to the subject at hand, using …

Clean up your durable functions history

Clean up your durable functions history

Recently I have been working with Azure Durable Functions, which are an extension of the Azure …

Dependency Injection with Azure Functions

Dependency Injection with Azure Functions

I have been making good use of Azure Functions recently; their simple hosting style makes …

Visual Studio: Launch in Chrome Incognito

Visual Studio: Launch in Chrome Incognito

By default Visual Studio creates an entry for each recognised web browser you have installed …

Passing multiple parameters to an ICommand in WPF

Passing multiple parameters to an ICommand in WPF

The project I am currently working on is a sizable line-of-business desktop program written …

Passing Enumerables to a SQL Stored Procedure

Passing Enumerables to a SQL Stored Procedure

I have been asked the question “Can you pass an enumerable to a procedure?” or …

Developer Tools List 2018

Developer Tools List 2018

Ask any developer who has worked in the industry for more than a month ‘what tools do you …