The Author

My name is James and I am a software developer and systems architect from the UK; I specialise in line of business applications for a range of industries (Valuations, Business Services, Legal, Insurance, Healthcare, etc). My core language is c# as a .NET developer; I also work with a range of web development languages and desktop frameworks (such as WPF, winforms, and silverlight etc). I also have substantial experience in the development and management of SQL Server.

Please check out the site’s about page for additional details; most importantly please be aware that anything written on this site (or linked sites) does not necessarily represent the thoughts/etc of any business I currently or have previously worked for.


You can find me on Patreon if you wish to support my work!


Like all good developers you can find me over on StackOverflow (and it’s sister sites, even the Beer one!). profile for melodiouscode on Stack Exchange, a network of free, community-driven Q&A sites

Certificates, Courses, and the such

A fill list of the online courses, certifications, and conferences I have taken part in can be found here.